Indigo Organizing

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Quick Wins: Easy Decluttering Projects for the Post-Holiday Lull

We did it, friends! We made it through the holidays.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty pooped! I'm relieved to have the wrapping, shopping, decorating, cooking, holiday cleaning and on and on ... behind me.

This is a GREAT time to do a little decluttering so that you can STOP looking at clutter and START wrapping up in some cozy blankets. 

Here are 9 decluttering hacks that I recommend for quick wins with BIG impact.

1. Declutter closets

Decluttering closets is a great place to start. It doesn't have to be a big project like your bedroom closet. You could do the linen closet, the entryway closet, a small hall closet. Whatever could use a little love!

2. Revamp cluttered shelves

Are your shelves overflowing with books, pictures and knick knacks? Take everything off the shelf, really take a moment to look at each item and decide if it "sparks joy" for you. Check out these shelf styling tips by one of my fave designers, Emily Henderson, for inspiration.

 3. Clear kitchen counters

Our kitchens are the workhouses of our homes, so decluttering kitchen counters is a one-way ticket to much more efficiency and ease in the kitchen. Take stock of what's living on your kitchen counter. Give everything a nice wipe down. Really ask yourself - does this NEED to be here? How often do I use this? Could I store it away in an easily-accessed location to free up more counter space and make the counter easier to clean?

 4. Create an inviting social space

You might not be up for hosting so soon after the holidays, but do take some time to get ready for company at some point. In our house, we just re-arranged and decluttered our living room and now I'm itchin' for someone to knock on my door so that I can say "come on in!" We put games on our coffee table and set cozy blankets around. How can you make your spaces more inviting?

 5. Make a decluttering list

If the above ideas don't strike your fancy, make a quick list of areas that are driving you nuts. List all of them! Think of a smaller project where you can get a quick win, like:

  • the condiments in your fridge

  • the junk drawer in your kitchen

  • your spices

  • toy bins

  • junk mail

Dump those ideas out of your head and onto paper. Then choose the first item you'll tackle and decide when. (Pssst - I'm hosting a Get Organized in 2023 Summit on Saturday, February 4th where you can de-clutter LIVE with me! See below for details!)

 6. Gather your supplies 

 Here's your decluttering checklist so that you have everything you need for the project:

  • Contractor bags or strong trash bags if you're clearing out heavy things like clothes, coats or linens

  • Paper bags or cardboard boxes to carry away delivery items

  • Sharpies and painters tap or duck tape to label boxes and bags

  • Your favorite mug with water and/or coffee/tea to keep you hydrated and energized

  • A playlist if that will keep you going

  • Information on where you’ll donate. Here are my favorite organizations to donate to.

7. Follow the rules

A few decluttering rules to keep in mind:

  • Don't leave those bag of donations in the corner for six months. (I see it all the time, my friend.)

  • Take a break when you need it. If you find yourself spiraling into decluttering despair, take five. Leave the room. Take a few deep breaths. Grab a snack and some water. You've got this.

  • If it's not a hell yes, it's a no. Be ruthless. Don't hold onto things that you don't truly love or that aren't truly useful. Imagine me there, glaring at you with a knowing look. Then put it in the donate bin.

8. Take before and after pictures

Make sure to take before and after pictures so you can show off your new, shiny, organized space to anyone who will listen!

9. Get extra motivation

And if you need some extra decluttering motivation, I've GOT you, friend. Add THIS to your decluttering calendar. 👇

On Saturday, February 4th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EST, I'm hosting a Get Organized in 2023 Summit where you can declutter LIVE with me. Think about it as your own special self-care declutter day where you'll get MAJOR motivation to purge clutter. I'll offer my best tips for getting organized in the new year, and then we'll get to work, with everyone working on an area they've identified. I'll even have special break-out rooms where you can ask me questions when you get stuck!

Click here to add your name to the waitlist and to save the date. Tickets will go live later this month and will only be available for a limited time. Keep your eyes out for early bird pricing!

Just imagine how AMAZING you will feel after you take some time to simplify your space.

See you soon, friend!