Indigo Organizing

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Is it Fun and Easy?

About a year ago, I started asking myself a question that gave me dramatically more clarity (and joy!) in my work and life.

The question was:

Is it fun and easy?

Why did I start asking this question?

Because I was overwhelmed by the "shoulds."

I have ALWAYS have been overwhelmed by those blasted shoulds, but I felt particularly overwhelmed as a new entrepreneur. Suddenly, I, alone, had to dictate how I would spend my precious time.

Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly freeing. But, there's also no road map. No clear strategy. No "right" answers.

After a year of trying to do all of the "shoulds," I signed up for Tiffany Han's 31 Days to Flow course. I had learned about "flow" previously in my career, and I was intrigued about how I could apply it in this new phase.

Essentially,  "flow" is a state where you feel totally in the zone. You don't notice the time passing. You feel energized. You feel like you're excelling at what you are doing or you're seriously enjoying the process.

(Doesn't that sound better than "should"??)

Tiffany asked us to spend almost two weeks identifying our core values. I was somewhat dismayed at this request since I had spent countless hours (days!) in my previous corporate and non-profit life identifying values. What?! Values?! But I signed up for flow!!

Alas, I love and trust Tiffany, and I had paid for the damn class already, so I obliged.

The results ended up being one of the most game-changing exercises I have ever done.

After much soul-searching, ranking, debating and word-smithing, I came up with a list of 5 (soon to be 6) values that would become my new compass for EVERYTHING that I do -  not just in work, but in life.

My values are (in order of importance):

  1. Honesty

  2. Courage

  3. Depth

  4. Quiet

  5. Laughter

  6. Beauty

These six simple words unlocked new wisdom about what I seek in life - in others, in my work, in my parenting, and so much more.

I could bore you for hours on the significance of each of these. So let me save you from that and instead offer a few examples. "Depth" alone explained why certain friendships filled me up, while others depleted me. "Quiet" explained why I turn into a crazed person from those hysterical Snickers commercials if I don't have some quiet time in my day. "Beauty" came later, as an antidote to a world that often feels out-of-control.

Tiffany promised us that if we began to follow those things that aligned with our values, we would find more flow. More fun. More ease.

And so it was.

The question "Is it fun and easy?" became a shortcut to test if something "checked off my value boxes."

I made some significant changes as a result.

  • Speaking to groups is SUPER fun and easy for me, so I do that a lot more. What's NOT fun and easy is hosting events, so I don't do that.

  • Writing is fun and easy for me, but all the legwork of editing, posting, and scheduling it is NOT, so I hired a virtual assistant for that.

  • Instagram is fun & easy for me, so I invest time in posting there 2-3 times a week and connecting with others. Facebook is NOT. So I don't spend much time there at all.

Working one-on-one with clients is fun and easy. Scheduling and invoicing is NOT. So I use an online scheduler for that.

By following the path of "fun and easy," I have found more flow, ease, and joy. I've accepted the radical notion that I can follow what energizes me.

I know what you're thinking. Not EVERYTHING can be fun and easy. So true, my friend. So true.

Luckily, for those things that aren't fun and easy, we can often eliminate them, delegate them, or find creative ways to make them just a bit more joyful.

I'm so excited to explore this concept more with you.

I may even have to launch a podcast about it.

Hmmm. Would that be fun and easy?!

Stay tuned, my friends. :)