
How to pack for your summer trip (even longer ones!) with nothing but a backpack

Last summer, I got radical with my packing. I was sick and tired of dragging half of my earthly belongings with me on every trip, AND (back when we were still flying), I was sick of paying extra money for luggage.

SO, I challenged myself to pack EVERYTHING that I needed into one large-ish backpack. I even did this for a TEN-day trip to Florida.

Here’s how I did it:

  • I picked one color palette. I’m already kind of a minimalist dresser, so this one wasn’t too hard. In the summer I wear mostly navy, white and gray, with the occasional pop of color. That way,

Camping with a K - Redux Version!

Last year, I published a blog post on how I pack for camping. Now that it’s camping season again (yay!), I’m bringing this oldie-but-goody back.

We've been camping in the pop-up for 3 summers now, and we are finally getting good at simplifying things. This helps SO much, because when you bring too much stuff, it's WAY more work and WAY more schlepping.

We do what I call "camping with a K", aka Camping the KonMari way.